Peter Vanbekbergen lives and works in Rotselaar. He designs monumental ceramic sculptures through his particular technique.

Strips of clay are formed into hollow shapes. Those hollow volumes are shaped by putting pressure from the inside. The humidity of the clay has to be monitored carefully while doing so. If the sculpture is built to quickly, it could collapse. The sculptures are painted with coloured clay silt and after a drying period they are baked in a large gas oven of approximately 1100° Celsius. The baking process can take up to 17 hours and again has to be monitored closely. If the sculpture is heated too heavily, it will be damaged irreversibly.

His sculptures show the human spirit finding a private place in the naive and rough ceramic structure that can be considered equal to other sculptural expressions.



Born in Leuven in 1962

Hofakkerstraat 12 

3110 Rotselaar

T 016/44 83 41

Independent artist
Teacher at the Academy for Visual Arts, Tienen

Exhibitions both domestically and abroad.



Paepe Toone (brons), Brusselsestraat Leuven (stad)
De Koeieschieter (brons), Brusselsestraat Leuven (Anders Bouwen, Galerij Gamma Leuven)
Gevelsculptuur (keramiek), Justus Lipsiusstraat Leuven (Anders Bouwen Leuven)
Vogel (brons), Stripbibliotheek Wezemaal (vzw Den Ateljee Wezemaal)